Are you ready for 4/20?

4/20 comes but once a year, so it’s important to prepare well in advance.

We’ve prepared some tips to make sure your store is ready for the big day, from inventory to staffing to discounts.

Stock up on inventory

You don't want to run out of products on 4/20, so make sure you have enough supply of your best-selling and most popular items. Order special or limited-edition products to attract more customers and create a buzz.

Did you know that you can curate a special room that can house your 4/20 product until the big day? This makes it easy to control 4/20 inventory. Rooms allow you to set product aside and not have it visible to your online menus or sellable on the POSaBIT POS. Learn more about inventory rooms in the knowledge base, or check out the article on multi-room inventory splitting.

Hire extra staff

Expect a surge in traffic and sales on 4/20, so you'll need more staff to handle the demand. Hire some temporary or part-time workers to help with customer service, cashiering, security, and delivery. Train them well and make sure they are familiar with your products and policies.

Prepare your discounts in advance

Be sure to develop your list of discounts well in advance - and leave time to test discounts before the big day. POSaBIT has a Discounts section on our knowledge base to prepare you for the big day, but you should be familiar with creating new discounts, using fixed pricing, and creating “buy x get y” discounts.

And if you’re not using product tags, you’re missing out. This handy feature helps with reporting and discounting on the POSaBIT POS. The knowledge base includes details on the many uses of product tags, as well as instructions to create and add product tags to products.

Promote your store

4/20 is a great opportunity to market your store and increase your brand awareness. Greet your customers on their preferred social media platform, send email newsletters and flyers, or use word-of-mouth to advertise your store and its special offers. You can also partner with other local businesses or organizations to cross-promote your store and create a sense of community.

Decorate your store

Make your store stand out and create a festive atmosphere by decorating it with 4/20-themed items. You can use banners, posters, balloons, stickers, or anything else that suits your style and budget. You can also play some music or offer some snacks or drinks to make your customers feel welcome and comfortable.

Follow the rules

It’s less fun, but make sure you follow all the legal and safety regulations regarding cannabis sales and consumption. Check your local laws and guidelines before 4/20 and ensure that you have all the necessary licenses and permits, especially if you’re offering discounts or a space to consume.

Check back on 4/21

Once the big day is over, be sure to run an “after 4/20” audit to confirm your inventory and account for any potential shrinkage.

You might also find reports like profits by supplier, by product, by employee, by tag or by discount to better understand how your store and team performed on 4/20.

By following these tips, you can make sure that your cannabis store is ready for 4/20 and that you have a successful and enjoyable day.