Introducing POSaBIT POS 2.0

We are excited to announce the launch of POSaBIT POS 2.0. If you're a current customer, this upgraded version of POSaBIT POS will automatically install on your point of sale system Wednesday, March 29th.

POSaBIT POS 2.0 boasts improved performance, an exciting facelift, and some great new features. We know time is money, so we have also worked to ensure this update won’t change workflows for you or your team.

Among other changes, here's what you can look forward to in 2.0:

Refreshed Look & Feel

The most prominent difference between POSaBIT 1.0 and 2.0 is the user interface. The facelift also gave us a chance to enhance the functionality throughout the POS. Rest assured: general workflows have remained the same and this update will NOT require major retraining to use the system.

Some minor navigation changes include...

  • A new menu bar accessible from the cart screen allows easy navigation to a customer's...
    • Profile
    • Purchase history
    • Preferences
    • Loyalty
    • Recommendations
    • Notes
  • A new 'Order Actions' button visible from the cart gives easy access to:
    • Delivery
    • Save Order
    • Print Receipt
    • Cancel Order

What else is new?

A handful of feature enhancements, as well as some new features, are highlighted below. Request a demo to learn more!

Till management - Track Till Denominations

When opening and closing a till, cash denominations can now be recorded for each till from the point of sale. Click the ‘record denominations’ button in the top right-hand corner of the screen to view and input quantities.

Purchase History - Insights

With 2.0, budtenders have access to a handful of new metrics like ‘Lifetime Purchases’, ‘Average Purchase Size’, ‘Average Items Ordered’, ‘Lifetime Returns’, and even a view of past customer returns.

Purchase History - Purchase Limit Meter

In addition to our enhanced purchase history metrics, we have also added a purchase limit meter to visually display the customer’s purchase limit constraints. As product is added to the cart, the graphic will show how the customer’s limit is affected, and how much of their limit they have remaining. If a product is added to the customer’s cart and their limit is exceeded, the graphic will reflect this and show how much over the limit they are - ultimately making it clearer what needs to be removed from the cart for a compliant checkout.

Customer Preferences - Products & Effects

Under the new Preferences tab on a customer’s loyalty profile, budtenders will now have access to view a customer’s product ‘Preferences’. Preferences are based on past purchase behavior and are served up to show the budtender the customer’s top 3 preferences for each category. Products are categorized by type, strain, supplier, and brand. On the ‘Effects’ tab, the budtender can see the customer’s preferred lineages, terpenes, effects, and flavors/aromas.

Not only can you view the customer’s preferences, but you can also search for products by preference! Double tap on any of the ‘product’ or ‘effect’ icons to search for products matching those criteria. You can also get more refined searches quickly by double-tapping multiple icons to find products that match all desired criteria.

Customer Recommendations - Best Sellers, Trending, & New Arrivals

Recommendations is meant to serve as a tool for budtenders to use when a customer asks the question, “what do you recommend?”. Navigate to this page and scroll down on the screen to view products by ‘Best Sellers’, ‘Trending’, and ‘New Arrivals’.

Product Detail Enhancements

Product details can be accessed by clicking on a product card from the Product Menu, or by selecting an item from the cart. There are new product fields, including, flavors, effects, and terpenes. 

Product Menu Search Criteria Enhancements

Another upgrade to the Product Menu is the filters for the menu. We have added additional search parameters that give you the ability to search by THC/CBD potency, as well as some additional properties such as terpenes, effects, flavors, etc.